How to Shop With Us

Educate. Engage. Inspire.
Since opening in 2018, The Tare Shop has enabled thousands of folks in Halifax, Dartmouth, and beyond to reduce their waste consumption and make changes in their lifestyles with future generations in mind.
As the first package-free store in Nova Scotia, we are paving the way for a brighter future. We offer package-free bulk foods, lifestyle goods, and cafe treats to help you live your life with less waste. We also believe that education is key. We provide free workshops, info and resources to engage our communities in real change.
Are you ready to start your package-free journey? You're in the right place.
In Store
1. Bring your clean, empty containers to the shop (glass jars, plastic containers, and cloth bags are great)!
2. Avoid shopping in groups. Only a few customers are allowed inside at a time. If you've got little ones with you or need assistance from a friend they are welcome to join.
3. Wear a mask at all times and avoid touching your face.
4. Wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the shop.
5. Bring your containers to the checkout area and staff will weigh them for you.
6. Next, bring your containers to one of the designated filling stations.
7. Stock up on your favourite goodies and feel free to ask our staff for help.
8. Bring your containers back to the checkout area and staff will ring you through.
We have most of our bulk products available to purchase online as well as all our lifestyle products. Dry bulk goods are packed in paper bags, and liquids are packed in glass jars – there is a $1.50 deposit and you can get that back if you return them clean and empty.
For jar refunds, if you purchased online you will be issued a coupon for the deposit amount to be used on your next purchase.
Local Pickup & Delivery Options
Watch how to shop.