While there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to living sustainably, there are lots of different things we can do to make small changes. If you can only do one of these things or all of them, that’s great!
Use up what you already have.
it’s way more wasteful to throw out everything in your pantry or bathroom to replace it with more ‘eco-friendly’ items. In fact, what you own already IS the most sustainable option!
Repair and mend when things break.
It can be so easy to just discard something when it’s broken, but we challenge you to start repairing things before throwing them out! Maybe you can repair a hole in some jeans, or glue a bowl back together!
Bring your own travel mug.
This was one of the first commitments I made to myself – not to get a coffee or tea unless I had my travel mug. After a few mornings of forgetting my travel mug, I learned quickly!
Switch to bars of soap or shampoo.
Did you know that most liquid soaps' main ingredient is water? One bar of solid dish soap can replace up to three bottles of liquid soap! Here are our tips to help you get the most of your bars.
Use rags instead of paper towels.
This can be a hard one, but so worth it! I’ve saved so much money over the years just using rags instead of buying paper towel that gets used once then thrown out! I love the Swedish Dish Cloths, as they act like paper towel, but are reusable. You can also cut up old sheets or towels and use those as rags.

Shop at your local bulk store.
You have a bulk store near you that you haven’t been to yet, or even a grocery store with a refill section, give it a go! It’s so nice to be able to buy exactly what you want and without the plastic packaging.
Repurpose what you already have.
You can use old pasta sauce jars to store food in, freeze veggie stock in, or even as water cups! You can use cloth bags that bed sheets come in as bulk shopping bags, or wrap gifts in them!
Host clothing or book swaps.
This is one of my favourite things to do with friends! Especially when you need a wardrobe refresh - get some pals together and swap clothes or books!
Shop second hand: there are so many great places to shop second hand now, and you can find great things! I’ve gotten dish sets and awesome clothing from second-hand shops.

Write your elected officials and favourite businesses.
Writing elected officials are definitely something I was told to do lots as a kid, but until recently never did! Writing your favourite businesses is also something that a lot of folks don't realize they can do! If your favourite restaurant uses styrofoam takeout containers for example, you can write to them and ask them to consider switching!
We know writing elected officials (or businesses can seem scary) so here are some tips:
- You don’t need to be an expert on what you’re writing about, and you don’t have to know everything about the issue!
- Keep it short and sweet. Try to be concise and clear so that your point comes across clearly.
- Make it personal. If you’re writing a business, share a favorite memory from going there, or if you’re writing an elected official, share why that issue matters to you.
- Just DO IT! This is one of those things that can be easy to put off, so we challenge you to write one this week!
Let us know what tips you use to help you live more sustainably!
1 comment
My favorite part of your blog is when you said that you could consider using Swedish Dish Cloths instead of paper towels since they are reusable. My husband and I will then find a reliable Swedish dishcloth store within the week. We want to support a sustainable way of living to help the environment and save money at the same time. https://wettexusa.com/swedish-dischloth-the-utlimate-2021-guide/
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