Kate’s self-care tips to overcome the January blues
If you've been feeling down recently know you're not alone – January Blues is a real thing!
The January blues are the peak season for Seasonal Affective Disorder and can result in low moods, sadness, no motivation, low energy, and tiredness. It can be a tough time of year, coming out of the holiday season, but also especially with the past few years dealing with COVID.
Here are seven things I do get keep motivated and beat the January Blues.
1. Get outside

Getting outside for a quick walk, even if it’s just for a short walk around the block can do wonders for your mental health! It really helps me clear my head and refocus.
2. Check things off your list

This was a big aha moment for me while working with my therapist – that sometimes self-care is getting stuff done. When I get very overwhelmed with the number of things that need to be done, sometimes it makes me so anxious that I can’t get anything done! But setting a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and focusing on that task can actually really help.
3. Have a bath and light some candles
Self-care can also be relaxing and allowing yourself to relax and rest. We are often so busy and it’s easy to keep going, but it’s so important to be still and rest. I love using bubble bath and lighting my Forest candle for the ultimate relaxation.
4. Call a friend
Especially after the last two years, we’ve collectively endured with COVID, it can be really easy to isolate yourself and not reach out! I’ve been making an effort to battle the January Blues by reaching out to friends and family and giving them a call, or inviting a friend on a walk.
5. Read a book

I’ve recently rediscovered reading, and the library, and can’t stop reading! It’s been a great escape for me – being able to immerse myself in a good book and forget about my to-do lists, and COVID has been so great and a key part of my self-care routine.
6. Cook a new recipe
Cooking for me is a type of self-care and I love discovering new recipes and new favorite things to cook! Here are a few of my favourite things I’ve been cooking recently
- Molly Baz’s Cae Sal: this has become a weekly staple in our house. It’s so good, so light, and you can add grilled tofu or chicken to it!
- Zucchini Lasagna: this was so easy and delicious to make! I used this tomato sauce recipe and you can add minced TVP to it for some extra protein!
- Alison Roman's Tiny, Salty, Chocolatey Cookies: these are possibly my favourite cookies. They’re so chocolatey, so delicious, and pretty easy to make!
7. Know you’re not alone
Lastly, know that you are not alone and you are loved. COVID has been very isolating for so many folks, and January can also be an isolating time. You’re not the only one feeling this way, and reach out if you need support!
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