Did you know that food waste is a massive problem in Canada? Every year, Canadians waste over 11 million tonnes of food - that's like throwing away a whole meal every day for each person in Canada! Not only is food waste a waste of resources and money, but it also hurts the environment by contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.
When we throw food in the garbage, it ends up in landfills where it decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Composting, on the other hand, is a natural process that turns food waste into nutrient-rich soil. By composting, we can reduce the amount of organic waste that goes to landfills and reduce our carbon footprint. Composting also enriches the soil, making it more fertile and helping plants grow better. It's a win-win situation - we reduce our waste and help the environment while improving the health of our gardens and soil. So, instead of throwing away your food scraps, try composting them - your garden (and the planet) will thank you!
But don't worry, there are things we can all do to help reduce food waste in our daily lives. Here are some tips that will help you waste less food and make a positive impact on the world:
First off, planning meals and making a grocery list can help you avoid over-purchasing and throwing away food that you don't need. We've all been there - you go to the store without a list, see some delicious-looking produce, and buy more than you can eat. Planning meals and making a list can help you stay on track and only buy what you need.
Another easy way to reduce food waste is to store your food properly. Fruits and veggies, for example, should be kept in the fridge to prevent spoilage. By keeping your food fresh, you'll be able to use it before it goes bad and prevent unnecessary waste.
Storing carrots, celery, radishes in a container of water in your fridge is our favourite way to keep them lasting crips and fresh!
If you find yourself with leftover food, don't throw it away! Instead, try incorporating it into your next meal. For example, leftover veggies can be added to a stir-fry, and leftover meat can be used in a sandwich. Get creative and experiment with different recipes to make the most out of your leftovers.
Composting is also a great way to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Compostable items include fruit and vegetable scraps, eggshells, and coffee grounds. By composting, you'll be reducing your food waste and helping your garden thrive at the same time!
Finally, if you have excess food that you can't consume, consider donating it to a local food bank. Many people in your community can benefit from your donation, and it's a great way to reduce food waste while helping others.
Food waste is a serious issue, but there are simple things we can all do to help reduce it. By planning meals, storing food properly, using leftovers, composting, and donating to food banks, we can all play a part in reducing food waste and making the world a better place. So let's do our part and waste less food!
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